10 Tips to Capture Memorable Photos of your Baby

By John Adams

A parent's most prized possession is their child. Parents can’t wait for their children to grow up, yet they can’t get enough of them while they’re babies. Babies are adorable and they grow up fast, so the family wants to preserve every precious moment while it lasts. The baby has so many firsts; each of them makes us fawn and wish we could turn back time to see it happen all over again. Even though time travel is not a possibility yet, conserving memories in photos and videos is the next best option.  

Photographing babies is easier said than done. You can’t make them sit still, look into the camera, or pose the way you want for more than a fraction of a second. Nevertheless, this shouldn’t stop you from capturing lovely candid moments of your child. The following tips shall help you attain a bunch of swoon-worthy photos of your pretty baby: 

1. Be Patient

Babies are quite agile and hard to control, despite their small size. They have the faintest attention span and you cannot expect them to understand that you want them to cooperate for a photo-shoot. You may try a million things to get them to look at you, but their response is seldom the one you were looking for. The thing is that you cannot force your will on the baby, so you’ll just have to work with what you get. Be patient and flexible, since there is no logic in getting mad at the clueless child. 

2. Keep your Camera Close

When you have an adorable baby in your midst that can perform the cutest feat any minute, your camera should always be nearby. You will have to be quick or the priceless moment shall be lost. You cannot predict when a child will act a certain way, and it’s not so simple to recreate certain events. You just follow your instincts until you get a hang of it. 

Newborn photography tips

3. Engage the Child in Conversation

Your baby probably won’t understand a thing you say, but you can pique their curiosity by talking to them. Try to hold their gaze, speak enthusiastically, and use hand gestures to demonstrate that you are having a conversation. Most babies like it when their parents sing to them, so you can recite a lullaby or hum a soothing tone to obtain an interesting reaction that serves as excellent photography material.  

4. Stay ready for Mealtime

Babies get particularly frisky at mealtime, so get out your camera to record some epic footage. When the toddler tastes something unfamiliar, they give the most amazing expressions; not capturing them on camera would be a crime. When your baby gets older, you can look at these photos together and share a good laugh. 

5. Utilize Natural Lighting

No level of artificial lighting can beat natural sunlight, so employ it as often as you can. Babies generally love the outdoors and their good mood will reflect in the photos you take. The venue can be a well-maintained backyard or a community park. The greenery and natural landscaping serves as a fabulous background, and you end up with a playful collection of high-definition photos.

How to shoot mother with child

6. Try the Peek-a-boo Trick

If all your efforts to get your baby to look up or show some love to the camera go in vain, the peek-a-boo trick might just save the day. The classic game of peekaboo brings out the most sincere grins and contagious giggles among toddlers. You may direct a family member to play it out with the baby while you snap pictures from a distance. 

7. Include Pets/Animals

If you’re wondering what’s cuter than baby photos, it’s definitely photos of babies with their furry siblings. If you have a friendly cat or dog (or more) in the house, let them bond with your infant so you can capture the development of their friendship in photographs. Photos like these sell like hot cakes, which is not surprising because they are overloaded with cuteness. 

8.Don’t drag the Session

If you hang around your baby with a camera for too long and impede on a natural flow of events, they are likely to get irritated. You need to back off and give your child a break if he/she looks unhappy with all the commotion of the photo-shoot. Do not get obsessed with photographing your toddler because they too need some space like everybody else. Participate in special occasions surrounding your child instead of staying behind the camera at all times. 

Shooting smiling babies

9.Get a Helping Hand

Teamwork goes a long way when you’re attempting to capture memorable photos of your baby. It is tiring to get catch the right angle and light, whilst navigating the infant’s activity. It is recommended to request assistance from your partner, or anyone else that is reliable and easily accessible at the time. Remember that four hands can accomplish more than two, and two heads can generate better ideas than one.

10. Keep it light and fun

Photography sessions with babies should be free of formalities. It is important to provide a relaxing environment so that the toddler doesn’t get stressed out. You may introduce distractions to keep them busy or in place while you snap some good pictures; handing them their favorite toy usually helps. Another way to keep them calm and happy is to act like a child yourself. You can emit silly sounds and make funny faces while clicking photos. 

Author Bio

John Adams is a paralegal and lifestyle blogger who concentrates on health & fitness, relationships, family law, and parenting. He loves exploring widespread legal and social issues, as well as sharing life experiences with the audience. He encourages readers to overcome the obstacles holding them back and live their best life.

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