Black and white or monochrome photos are ideal for minimalist photos. Colors do not distract from the main object, and shapes and lines are highlighted. The saying "less is more" is thus more than fulfilled.
I have chosen my favorite photographers whose work inspires many photographers, including me. Most are photographs of landscapes and architecture.
You will see 5 sample photos or graphics for each photographer. If you are interested in a photographer, you will find links to websites or social networks under the description.
And also, if you're interested in my work, you can check out my black and white photography prints. That would be enough at the beginning. Let's go to the photos.
Photographers in this article:
- Michael Kenna
- Chema Madoz
- Madiha Abdo
- Xavi Bou
- Thierry Salmon
- Hengki Koentjoro
- Lionel Orriols
- Andrej Å afhalter
- Olivier Du Tre
Michael Kenna
British photographer Michael Kenna is a superstar of contemporary minimalist photography. His black&white photographs of landscapes and partly of architecture were often taken at dawn or at night with exposures of up to 10 hours.
His square photographs most often contain landscapes with isolated trees, details of architecture, nude photography, water levels or even photos with the theme of Buddhism.
- Website:
- Instagram:
- Gear: Medium format Hasselblad or Holga
Samples of the work of photographer Michael Kenna:

Chema Madoz
Chema Madoz (whole name Jose Maria Rodriguez Madoz) is another great and unique minimalist photographer. His photographic work is far from ordinary minimalist photographers. His photographs are rather visual and optical illusions. And that is why it definitely belongs to our list. He became famous mainly for his black and white surrealist and poetic photographs.
- Website:
- Instagram:
- Gear: Hasselbald, Mamiya
Samples of the work of photographer Chema Madoz:
Madiha Abdo
Madiha Abdo is a great London based photographer. She does not only take pictures in black and white, but I chose only B&W photos for our article. Moreover, I think that minimalist black and white photography is the best in her work.
In her own words, her photographs are characterized by terms such as "theory of contraries", "light and dark" or "revealed and hidden".
- Website:
- Instagram:
- Facebook:
Samples of the work of photographer Madiha Abdo:
Xavi Bou
Xavi Bou is a Catalan photographer who specializes in unique photos of flying birds using chronophotography. He has created this technique and called it "Ornitographies".
He usually shoots 30 to 60 frames per second. A final photo might include more than 600 shots woven together into amazing patterns.
- Website:
- Instagram:
- Gear: Variety of cameras, including a Sony F27 and Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4K
Samples of the work of photographer Xavi Bou:
Thierry Salmon
Thierry Salmon is a Belgian minimalist photographer who also works mainly with black and white photography. His work is characterized by a strong visual and emotional impression. As he says: "I mainly practice black and white and I often try to look for strong graphics.".
On his page I found three photographic projects:
- Terres de Hesbaye - Haspengouw lands
- Effets de serre - Greenhouse effects
- Murs aveugles - Blind walls
Of the three projects, I was most interested in the project "Haspengouw lands", which also fits the most into this article. Most of the photos from this project were taken in direct surroundings, often less than 10 Km away from his home in Remicourt.
- Website:
Samples of the work of photographer Thierry Salmon:
Hengki Koentjoro
Hengki Koentjoro is a photographer born in Indonesia, focusing on black and white (not only) minimalist photography.
Hengki Koentjoro explores the borders between light and shadow, between spiritual and physical, and celebrates the complexity of minimalism.
"Photography can never be separated from the aspects of making the common things unusual, welcoming the unexpected, indulging and embracing ourselves with the joy of photography"
Hengki Koentjoro, 2013
- Website:
- Instagram:
- 500px:
- Flickr:
- Gear: Hasselblad
Samples of the work of photographer Hengki Koentjoro:
Lionel Orriols
Great French photographer Lionel Orriols began his career as a self-taught artist.
His passion is black and white, often minimalist photographs with long exposure. His work expresses a dream visions, and photographs are often dark and very intimate.
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
Samples of the work of photographer Lionel Orriols:
Andrej Å afhalter
Andrej Å afhalter is a Slovenian amateur photographer who focuses on black and white minimalist nature and landscape photography. His work often combines photography and graphics. This creates unique images full of peace and tranquility.
Andrej Safhalter says that photography allows him to escape the everyday stress, impatience, and anxiety of people.
- Instagram:
- Gear: Canon
Samples of the work of photographer Andrej Å afhalter:
Olivier Du Tre
Olivier Du Tre is a Belgian photographer living in Calgary, Canada. He only shoots black and white very sophisticated and sophisticated photographs. He often uses long exposure on his analog film cameras and tries to encourage viewers to view things from different perspectives.
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Gear: large format Shen-Hao 4x5 camera, medium format Mamiya RB67Pro SD