Czech Republic Landscape Photography

The Czech Republic is my home. That's why I take most of my photos in this picturesque country. Most of the photos you see here can be downloaded for free on my other website Some landscape photos can be bought printed as wall art.

Prague and surroundings

Since I live on the outskirts of the city, I often go on trips and take pictures here. On the outskirts of Prague, there are many beautiful natural locations where you feel almost like in the wilderness. Among the most beautiful places are Prokopské údolí, Divoká Šárka, Klánovický les or Lítožnický rybník. See also the latest art prints of Prague.

The tree in the Water Art Print - Fine art landscape photography print
The tree in the Water. Buy as an art print.
Long exposure minimalist landscape - Jankov hill I.
Long exposure minimalist landscape - Jankov hill I. Photographed in the winter, 2021 in Prague. Available as a landscape fine art print.
Foggy road with trees. Taken on the outskirts of Prague.
Foggy road with trees. Taken on the outskirts of Prague. Free download here.
Minimalist landscape photography of a lonely tree.
Minimalistic black and white photography from Central Bohemia. I took it near Milovice near the bison and wild horses preserve. The photograph is for free use.
Fine Art Environmental Photography
My favourite picture. I took it with a telephoto lens so that the distant chimney looked like it was between the two trees. The juxtaposition of nature and man-made pollution is emphasized by the high contrast and minimalist black and white design of the photo. The photograph is for sale as an art print.
Lidice memorial landscape.
Although this landscape may seem beautiful and innocent, it is actually a memorial to the village of Lidice in Central Bohemia. In 1942, the village was exterminated by the German Nazis. The photo is for free download here.

Bohemian Paradise and surroundings

Dramatic orange sky and flying bird of prey in the Czech Paradise. Photo is
Dramatic orange sky and flying bird of prey in the Czech Paradise. Photo is available for free download.
Silhouettes of trees in fog at the foot of the extinct volcano Vyskeř in the Bohemian Paradise.
Silhouettes of trees in fog at the foot of the extinct volcano Vyskeř in the Bohemian Paradise. The photo looks a bit spooky. I actually took it just behind my wife's parents' house. You can download the photo for free here.
The sun setting behind the medieval castle Bezděz.
The sun setting behind the medieval castle Bezděz. I took this photo when I was returning from a cottage in the Bohemian Paradise. The road I was driving on led through a deep forest. When I came out of the forest, I saw this beautiful sunset. Unable to do otherwise, I turned around and returned to the edge of the forest where I stopped on a dirt road. I put the telephoto lens on my camera and placed it on the hood of my car, which I used as a tripod. You can also download this photo for free.
High Seat for Hunting - Landscape photography from the Bohemian Paradise.
High Seat for Hunting. Photographed in the Bohemian Paradise in the last days of 2021. You can buy it as a fine art print.
The Foggy Forest - Fine Art Landscape Photography Print
The Foggy Forest in the Bohemian Paradise - the picturesque landscape full of deep forests and unique rock city - Available as a Fine Art Photography Print

Southern Bohemia region

Mysterious forest.
Mysterious forest in Šumava National Park in South Bohemia. You can download the photo for free.
Landscape photography - Nuclear power plant Temelín
The cooling towers of the Temelín nuclear power plant in South Bohemia surrounded by bales of hay. The power station lies in the fields of a beautiful hilly region and is visible from much of the region. It is ugly and beautiful at the same time. You can download this photo for free here.


The Path To Nowhere - Landscape photography from the Czech republic
This simple vertical photo probably doesn't quite fall into the Landscapes category. Still, I put it here because I like its mysterious atmosphere. I took it in the beautiful Jizera Mountains in the north of the Czech Republic. See how it looks like a fine art print.
Winter view of a vineyard landscape in South Moravia
Winter view of a vineyard landscape in South Moravia. Free download.

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