Fine Art Photography Prints for Your Living Room

This post is part of a series of articles about artwork for different types of interiors.

The living room is easily regarded as one of the most important rooms in the home. The living room is where almost everyone gets to spend most of their time either watching TV, or having some family time playing chess, or scrabble. It is also the place where the family gets to gather around to kick back, relax and get to talk about the day’s events.

The living room also serves as the formal place in the home to receive visitors, converse, and get to spend time before probably moving into the inner parts of the home if necessary.

The versatility of the living room is what makes it such an important space in the home. Sometimes the family could even have movie nights, karaoke, with even sleepouts happening together, especially after a very long and stressful day.

It is therefore very important and necessary to ensure that your living room is tastefully and appropriately furnished to be able to have that blend of being formal yet casual and homely. Most persons would usually spend a lot of time and put a lot of thought into how to furnish and decorate their living room and of course, this is more than right.

Being the first point of contact for both you and your visitors, you want your living room to be tasteful, inviting, and welcoming and this can present some difficulty especially in choosing designs for the living room accessories like furniture, décor, and art.

Well not everyone usually gets it right because as a matter of fact, not everyone is gifted enough to be able to pick out the right accessories to be chosen to create the kind of atmosphere the living room should have.

Art is one of the most important accessories that should be taken into important consideration when decorating the living room alongside other accessories such as furniture and decor.

Art is so important because of the power and ability it has to transform any space. While some may underestimate the importance of art, art is beyond doubt an incredible force that can entertain, inspire and give identity. Art can either make an atmosphere appear bright or can create a somber atmosphere in a room.

Artworks can be in different forms either as canvas print, framed print, metal print, and many more the type of art, design, color, and size are some of the deciding factors when it comes to choosing the artwork for the living room.

Black and White Art Print in the Livingroom
Black and White Art Print in the Livingroom

The right atmosphere for the living room with artwork


A simple black art photography print is an effective way to depict a formal setting for the living room. This naturally transmits a sense of order into the atmosphere which is equally transmitted to whoever comes into the living room.

Artwork in the living room can also be used to depict the source of wealth for the family and just also, and the artwork in the living room can be used to serve as a source of inspiration to show strength, hard work, and determination.

You can also decide to go with art choices that are simple but also convey the same idea for the living room.

Fine Art Photography Prints for Your Living Room
This fine art photography of colorful wooden beehives will bring a feeling of friendliness and pleasantness to the living room.


While you want to set a formal atmosphere in the living room, you should also remember that the living room is usually the first and outer part of the home that you come into contact with when you come into the home and you do not just want to have a strict sense around the place.

You want your living room to be as welcoming and exciting as it is formal and so you should also complement it with artworks that transmit a warm feel into the atmosphere.

Your choice of color here will play an important role and it is always nice to go with artworks that are not too brightly colored and neither are they dull. Colors that bring a ray of sunlight and life into the room without making the room look like a playground.


The versatile nature of the living room makes the choice of the artwork and decor a little tricky to choose and get right. Your ideal living room should be serene with the atmosphere projecting a sense of calm. The essence is to be able to create an environment that you can come back to after a day of stress and be able to relax and rest before going into the bedroom to sleep.

Living room art print example
Boat on a foggy river in Prague. An example of a work of art suitable for a living room.


Your living room must be classy especially because that part of your home is open and visible to guests and visitors and your choice of artwork should have a touch of class and style embedded into the artwork.

Art sizes for the living room

The size of the artwork also plays an important role in your decision of the artwork to put in your living room. Here are a few tips on what to consider before deciding on the size of artwork to buy for your living room:

The size of the room

This is one of the most important points to consider when making your choice of artwork but unfortunately, not everyone realizes this. A lot of people make the mistake of buying artworks that are much smaller than the size of their living room which usually ends up defeating the purpose of having art hung in their homes.

Since you have decided to invest in purchasing art, then it’s best to invest rightly and not end up purchasing something that ends up looking so out of place when you hang it at home. You don’t want your living room looking sparse and empty even after your artwork has been placed and that is why you should take into consideration the size of the room, amount of furniture, type, and height of the ceiling in the living room.

While there’s the popular advice which is to go big to make a big statement and display your art in the living room, remember to be clear about the size of your room.

Fine Art Photography Prints for Your Living Room
It is interesting to see what the different sizes of photography art prints look like in the living room. The following four photos show prints of 25cm x 16cm, 51cm x 34cm, 91cm x 61cm and 152cm x 102cm.

The wall

Well, this may sound like common knowledge to most people, but some people may not know to measure the space available on their walls before heading out to purchase artwork for their living room.

The orientation of your living room also matters. Overall, your artwork should take up about two-thirds of the wall space available. Horizontal wall spaces go best with landscape design artworks while narrow, tall spaces would be best adorned with portrait artworks.

The position and height

This is to ensure you don’t end up placing your artwork too high up your wall. Your artwork should be hung at eye level with the center point except in a case where you are very short. Well, if you are very short, you don’t need to feel so bad, you can just make use of the 5”6 height as a guide to help you know where to place the artwork.

If you want to hang your artwork over your furniture, fireplace or sofa for example, always ensure that the artwork is hung between 6” to 12” above the top.

Art colors for the living room

Usually, artworks are not the only accessories that will be used in the living room. There will also be furniture, decor, gallery, and family pictures and it is best to put these into consideration when choosing the color of artwork, you want to hang in your living room.

 Your living room should not have too many colors crammed in together in the same space. No one wants to mistake the living room for the playroom or even another room because of the barrage of colors. It is best to limit the variety of colors and ensure that you have matching colors instead of contrasting colors.

Fine Art Photography Prints for Your Living RoomFine Art Photography Prints for Your Living Room
Choosing a black and white or color photo will significantly affect the mood of your living room.

Art styles suited to the living room

There is a variety of art styles that are a brilliant fit for the living room ranging from canvas prints, posters, tapestries, acrylic prints, metal prints, framed prints, photography prints, and art plaques. Most importantly though, your choice of art style for your living room is a personal choice. While there are various styles of artwork available, the ultimate choice of artwork is dependent on the person who wants to purchase the artwork.

The choice of art hung in the living room is a reflection of the personality of the owner of the home and as such, it is crucial to choose an artwork that reflects what you want. If you are making an investment in art, it is only right that you invest in art that you love and can hang proudly in your living room.

Either you can’t seem to decide on an art style and you are in doubt about the style of art you want to purchase or you already have art styles that you want to purchase you should ensure to check out my gallery of art prints to discover all you want and more.

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